Browse Items (46 total)

[Patent application for Gyromatic Radio Compass]
Patent application for the Gyromatic Radio Compass submitted by William P. Lear, October 30, 1944. 24 typed pages.

Learadio notes on direction finding!
Notes written by William P. Lear about the utility of automatic direction finders, circa 1940. Describes a flight from New York to Dayon, Ohio in Lear's Waco aircraft and how a Lear ADF-8 helped him navigate despite static from a thunderstorm.…

[Letter to "all employees of Lear, Inc." from William P. Lear, circa 1949-1950]
Letter to "all employees of Lear, Inc." from William P. Lear, circa 1949-1950. Announces Lear's winning of the Collier Trophy and thanks employees for their association and cooperation. One handwritten page.

[Notes written by William P. Lear related to sale of Lear Jet]
Notes written by William P. Lear related to the sale of Lear Jet to the Gates Rubber Company, circa 1967-1968. 17 handwritten pages.

[Note from William P. Lear, circa 1960s]
Note from William P. Lear, circa 1960s. Expresses his thanks and appreciation "to each and every one of you" (likely referring to Lear Jet employees) for efforts related to Learjet 23 production. References the aircraft's first flight. One…

[Letter to Sam Auld from William P. Lear, March 6, 1978]
Letter (photocopy) to Sam Auld from William P. Lear, March 6, 1978. Discusses Lear's "purposes and desires" for Lear Avia and the Lear Fan after his death. Two handwritten pages.

[Letter to Molt Taylor from William P. Lear, May 5, 1977]
Letter to Molt Taylor from William P. Lear, May 5, 1977. Discusses dual engine installation on light aircraft.

[Speech given by William P. Lear to the Aviation Writers Association]
Speech given by William P. Lear to the Aviation Writers Association, New York City, New York, March 7, 1945. 15 typed pages.

The Steam Automobile [speech by William P. Lear]
Speech given by William P. Lear to the Los Angeles Chapter of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, June 17, 1969. 19 typed pages.

Neo Phobia in Avia / Fear of the New in Aviation
Draft of an article written by William P. Lear about fear of the "new" in the aviation field, undated. 29 handwritten pages.
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