Audio recording of William P. Lear's speech to the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, Michigan, circa 1960s.
Handwritten label on reel: "Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce. WPL."
Typed label on back of box: "Wm Lear speech for Chamber of Commerce, All…
Letter to "all employees of Lear, Inc." from William P. Lear, circa 1949-1950. Announces Lear's winning of the Collier Trophy and thanks employees for their association and cooperation. One handwritten page.
Letter to Ed Conklin from William P. Lear, September 21, 1965. Discusses personal matters and Lear's thoughts on the Lear Siegler merger and stock value. Two typed pages.
Letter (photocopy) to Sam Auld from William P. Lear, March 6, 1978. Discusses Lear's "purposes and desires" for Lear Avia and the Lear Fan after his death. Two handwritten pages.
Note from William P. Lear, circa 1960s. Expresses his thanks and appreciation "to each and every one of you" (likely referring to Lear Jet employees) for efforts related to Learjet 23 production. References the aircraft's first flight. One…