Photograph of Fred Quarnstrom removing abscessed teeth from BooBoo, the sun bear mascot of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 10, circa 1965.Caption on accompanying document: "135. Me taking absessed [abscessed] teeth from our mascot Booboo the…
Photograph of Fred Quarnstrom removing abscessed teeth from BooBoo, the sun bear mascot of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 10, circa 1965.Caption on accompanying document: 157. Lt Quarnstrom taking abscessed teeth out of the Bear BooBoo with open…
Photograph of Fred Quarnstrom with children from a local village, Vietnam, circa 1965.Caption on accompanying document: "141. kids from the village with me in the backgrouns [background]."
Photograph of Fred Quarnstrom (left) with an elderly man and his grandchildren, Vietnam, circa 1965.Caption on accompanying document: "143. Me and a grandpa with his grandchildren on Highway 1."
Photograph of Fred Quarnstrom (third from left) with an elderly man and his grandchildren, Vietnam, circa 1965.Caption on accompanying document: "149. Me and a grandpa with his grandchildren on Highway 1."
Photograph of (from left to right) Fred Quarnstrom, Ensign McBride, and Ensign Nemier with a jeep, Chu Lai Air Base, Vietnam, circa 1965.
Caption on accompanying document: "136. Lt. Fred Quarnstrom on Left, Ens. McBride center, Ens. Nemier on Right."
Photograph of hardback tents at Chu Lai Air Base, Vietnam, circa 1965.
Caption on accompanying document: "175. Our camp after hard backing our tents. We are now out of the sand."
Photograph of lights for nightwork taking place on the runway, Chu Lai Air Base, Vietnam, circa 1965.Caption on accompanying document: "159. Night work on runway."
Photograph of a U.S. Marine Corps M50 Ontos anti-tank vehicle, Vietnam, circa 1965.Caption on accompanying document: "165. M50 Ontos, 'the pig' with 6 106 mm recoilless rifles / lt was designed as a tank killer there were no VC tanks in our area."