Photograph of several North American BT-9 Yale aircraft (visible fuselage numbers 236, 223, 221) on the ramp at Randolph Field, Texas, circa 1940s.
Caption: "BT-9's on the ramp. Randolph Field Texas."
Photograph of a North American BT-9 Yale aircraft performing a slow roll over Randolph Field in Texas, circa 1940s.
Caption: "BT-9 in a slow roll. Randolph Field Texas."
Photograph of a North American BT-9 Yale aircraft (fuselage number 321) in flight, circa 1940.
Inscription on verso: "This is the plane we fly. It is a BT-9. All metal except for control surfaces an [and] sides of fuselage."
Photograph of the cockpit interior and instrument panel of a North American BT-9 Yale aircraft, circa 1940.
Inscription on verso: "This is the inside of the cockpit and some of the things we have to look out for and operate. We have airadio an [and]…
Photograph of a North American BT-9 Yale aircraft in flight above Randolph Field, Texas, circa 1940s. The plane bears United States Army Air Corps markings.
Photograph of a U.S. Army North American BT-9 Yale aircraft (fuselage number 324), December 29, 1936.Inscription: "(G-92P-115) (12-29-36) (10) North American."