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[Major General Claire Lee Chennault seated at desk]
Photograph of Marjor General Claire Lee Chennault, U.S. Army Air Forces, seated at a desk, circa 1940s. Inscription on verso: "Chennault."
[General Claire Lee Chennault and AVG servicemen studying map]
Photograph of General Claire Lee Chennault (center) and AVG (American Volunteer Group) servicemen studying a map, likely in Burma or China, circa 1941-1942.
[General Claire Lee Chennault and AVG servicemen studying map]
Photograph of General Claire Lee Chennault (kneeling, second from right) and AVG (American Volunteer Group) servicemen studying a map, Toungoo, Burma, circa 1941-1942. Inscription on verso: "Getting the dope from Gen. Chennault, Toungoo."
[General Claire Lee Chennault, Madame Chiang, and Chiang Kai-shek seated at table]
Photograph of (from left to right) General Claire Lee Chennault, Madame Chiang, and Chiang Kai-shek seated at a table, circa 1941-1942.
[General Claire Lee Chennault and staff]
Photographic group portrait of General Claire Lee Chennault (front row, second from right) and his staff in front of a large map, Kunming, China, circa 1940s. Individuals are identified by their last name and first and middle initials on verso. Inscription on verso: "Kunming, China. Gen. Chennault's staff: Front L to R: Dr. E. W. Bruce - Dental Surgeon, C. E. Smith - Adjutant, H. K. Greenlaw -…