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[Wrecked German aircraft in wooded area]
Photograph of an unidentified wrecked German aircraft in a wooded area, circa 1914-1919.Inscription on album page: "More crashes."Part of Album Two from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Wrecked aircraft with German markings]
Photograph of an unidentified wrecked aircraft (fuselage number C.8415/16) with German markings, circa 1914-1919.Part of Album Two from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[German aircraft crashed into house]
Photograph of a German aircraft crashed into a house, circa 1914-1919.Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Fokker E-series aircraft]
Postcard of a Fokker E-series aircraft, circa 1914-1918.Inscription: "Der neue Fokker-Eindecker für Ruckenfluge."Inscription on album page: "Early Fokker."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Partially disassembled Fokker D.VII aircraft]
Photograph of a partially disassembled Fokker D.VII aircraft (fuselage number 746/18), circa 1918-1919.Inscription on album page: "Fokker."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Serviceman with wrecked aircraft]
Photograph of a German serviceman with an unidentified wrecked aircraft, circa 1914-1919.Inscription on album page: "Boche and his crash."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[German servicemen loading sack into DFW C.V aircraft]
Photograph of German servicemen loading a sack into a DFW C.V aircraft, circa 1916-1918. Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Wrecked Halberstadt CL.II aircraft]
Photograph of a wrecked Halberstadt CL.II aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Inscription on album page: "Boche crashes."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Unidentified German aircraft in flight]
Photograph of six unidentified German aircraft in flight, circa 1914-1918.Inscription on album page: "Boche ships."Part of Album One from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Wrecked Hannover CL.III aircraft crashed upside down in field]
Photograph of a wrecked Hannover CL.III aircraft crashed upside down in a field, circa 1917-1919.Inscription on album page: "O.K."Part of Album Two from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.