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Medal, Commemorative/Tony Jannus Medals to William Lear, 50th Anniversary Obverse, 1974
Framed Tony Jannus award medallion given to William P. Lear, 1974. Also included are two additional Tony Jannus medallions commemorating the Golden Anniversary of the World's First Scheduled Airline Service between St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida, 1964. Metal and wire hardware for hanging is present on reverse. Text for top medal: "Tony Jannus Award – 1974 / Pendant Medallion / Awarded to…
Plaque/Reno Honorary Citizen, William Lear
Honorary citizen award given to William P. Lear by the Reno Chamber of Commerce, undated. Includes small metal loop on back.Printed on tile on front: "Reno / 'The Biggest Little City in the World.'"Printed on brass plate on front: "William P. Lear / Honorary Citizen / Reno Chamber of Commerce."
Plaque/Aero Club of Kansas City, William P. Lear
Distinguished Service Award presented to William P. Lear by the Aero Club of Kansas City, circa 1960s-1970s. Engraved metal plate mounted on wood base depicts the shield logo of the Aero Club of Kansas City. A metal loop is on verso. Text: "The Aero Club of Kansas City Distinguished Service Award presented to William P. Lear with deep appreciation for his dedication to the cause of keeping the…