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2 results

[1932 and 1933 National Air Races]
Film footage of the 1932 and 1933 National Air Races. The first segment features clips from the 1932 National Air Races, showing aircraft, pilots, officials, and spectators. Scenes include air races, aerobatics, parachute jumps, and formation flying. Several individuals are named in the title cards but do not clearly appear in the footage; some only appear at a distance while piloting their…
[Learadio radio and navigation equipment]
Photograph of Learadio radio and navigation equipment, consisting of a transmitter, receiver, and direction finder, circa 1936-1939. The verso caption notes that this equipment was developed by "myself" (William P. Lear) and Reeder Nichols for the London to Melbourne Air Race.Caption on verso: "S. This is the equipment that was built up in the 60 days in our organization at 123 W. 17th St. NYC, by…