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58 results

[Corporal Robert L. Gabig assessing muddy terrain at Kiangwan Airfield]
Photograph of Corporal Robert L. Gabig, U.S. Army Air Forces, assessing muddy terrain at Kiangwan Airfield, China, circa 1940s.Typed on verso: "Corporal Robert L. Gabig of the U. S. Army Air Forces surveys the quagmire that leads to Base Headquarters at Kiangwan Airfield and wonders whether to back up or splash on ahead. Jap-built roads at the airfield have disintegrated into mud wallows under the…
[Corporal John E. Tobolski rescuing Red Cross secretary Valerie Borodin from jeep stuck in mud]
Photograph of Corporal John E. Tobolski, U.S. Army Air Forces, rescuing Red Cross secretary Valerie Borodin from a jeep stuck in the mud, Kiangwan Airfield, China, circa 1940s.Typed on verso: "Chivalry is not dead among American GIs. Corporal John E. Tobolski, U. S. AAF, plows through the mud to rescue Miss Valerie Borodin, 181 Avenue Dubail, from a jeep bogged in a mud-hole at Kiangwan Airfield.…
[A. S. Novokshanoff driving military truck through rugged "washboard" section of SHAD Drivers' School Course]
Photograph of student driver A. S. Novokshanoff driving a military truck through the rugged "washboard" section of the SHAD Drivers' School Course, Shanghai Air Depot, China, circa 1940s.Typed on verso: "Shown above on the 'Washboard' section of the SHAD Drivers' School Course is a student, Mr. A. S. Novokshanoff, of Shanghai Air Depot in a 2 1/2 ton Army truck. This is one of the many difficult…
[Military policemen inspecting travel documents for outgoing truck]
Photograph of Military Policeman Allen F. Kettering and Auxiliary Military Policeman J. V. Savine inspecting the travel documents for outgoing truck at Shanghai Air Depot, China, circa 1940s.Typed on verso: "Pictured above inspecting the trip ticket of an outgoing Army truck from Shanghai Air Depot are, Military Policeman Allen F. Kettering and Auxiliary Military Policeman J. V. Savine. Working in…
[Servicemen sitting in room covered with pinup posters]
Photograph of two U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen sitting in the Adjutant General's Radio Message Center at Tenth Air Force Headquarters, Kunming, China, circa 1940s. The walls are covered with pinup posters of women.Typed on verso: "Hqs. Tenth Air Force, China -- Hands down winner as the 'most pinned-up staff room' at Tenth Air Force Headquarters, Kunming, is the Adjutant General's Radio Message…
[Private J. V. Piazza instructing Chinese Air Force students on aircraft engine maintenance]
Photograph of Private J. V. Piazza (right, back to camera), U.S. Army Air Forces, instructing Chinese Air Force students on aircraft engine maintenance, Shanghai Air Depot, China, circa 1940sTyped on verso: "Headquarters Army Air Forces, Shanghai: Pfc J. V. Piazza (right) instructs Chinese Air Force students of the 2nd Chinese Air Service Group in aircraft engine maintenance at the Shanghai Air…
[Russian dancer performing for recently liberated Allied prisoners of war]
Photograph of a Russian dancer performing for a crowd of recently liberated Allied prisoners of war at an internment camp in Mukden (present day Shenyang), China, circa 1940s.Typed on verso: "Hqs. Tenth Air Force, China--When a Tenth Air Force mercy plane flew to Mukden, Manchuria, to evacuate Allied prisoners of war from Jap prison camps a photographer aboard the plane caught this photo of a…
[Captured Japanese soldiers at Sham Shui Po internment camp]
Photograph of captured Japanese soldiers at the Shamshuipo internment camp following its liberation by American forces, Kowloon, China, circa 1940s. The caption on verso notes that the soldier on the left is the camp's former commandant. Typed on verso: "Hqs. Tenth Air Force, China Theater -- Japanese commandant of Shamshuipo camp, Kowloon, China, now out of job as a result of American liberation.…
[Captured Japanese soldiers using carts to transport supplies and belongings to internment camp]
Photograph of captured Japanese soldiers using carts to transport supplies and belongings to an internment camp, Kowloon, China, circa 1940s.Typed on verso: "Hqs. Tenth Air Force, China Theater -- Japanese soldiers turn coolie as they transport supplies equipment and themselves to internment camp, Kowloon, China, which was formerly occupied by Allied POW's (Tenth Air Force Photo)."Stamped on…
[Modified military jeep at Kiangwan Airfield]
Photograph of a modified military jeep at Kiangwan Airfield, China, circa 1940s.Typed on verso: "American GIs of the Shanghai Air Depot employ typical Yank ingenuity in turning an open jeep into an enclosed two-door sedan to escape the rain and splashing mud during the recent month-long rainy spell at Kiangwan Airfield. U.S. Army Air Force Aviation Engineers, who during the war acquired the nack…