Photograph of several Boeing B-29 Superfortress aircraft at Northwest Field, Guam, circa 1945. The caption notes that this photo was taken just prior to the final mission against Japan.
Typed caption on album page: "Squadron lined up for final…
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen Jerry Michaud, Dave, and Cassedy standing outside a BOQ (bachelor officer quarters), Guam, circa 1944-1952.Inscription: "Jerry - Dave - Cass. Guam."Inscription on verso: "Cassedy, Dave, and Jerry. B.O.Q. Guam."
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen Colonel Quigley, Jerry Michaud, and George at a military base, Guam, circa 1944-1952.Inscription: "Quigsley [Quigley], Jerry, George. Guam."Inscription on verso: "On Guam. Col. Quigley, myself and George, BOQ huts…
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with James "Jim" Farmer and interviewer Jim Farmer, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, October 26, 2017.
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with David Hallman and interviewer Ted Young, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, April 28, 2017.
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with James H. Platt and interviewer John Barth, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, May 4, 2018.
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with David C. "Dave" Wellman and interviewer Bruce Florsheim, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, May 18, 2018.