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[Form nominating Clyde Pangborn for Ox-5 Club Hall of Fame]
Nomination form submitted by Elliott N. Couden, nominating Clyde Pangborn for the Ox-5 Club's Hall of Fame, dated June 23, 1979. Includes a summary of Pangborn's aviation achievements.

[Hall of Fame induction certification for Clyde Pangborn]
Certificate for Clyde Pangborn's induction into the OX5 Aviation Pioneers Hall of Fame, October 6, 1979.

[Sponsor agreement  between Elliott N. Couden and the OX-5 Club]
Sponsor agreement between Elliott N. Couden and the OX-5 Club, dated June 23, 179. States that Couden will act as sponsor for nominee Clyde Pangborn at the upcoming OX5 Awards Banquet and Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in Seattle, Washington.
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