Handwritten note from young Charles Drew, September 3, 1902. Promises to be a good boy and to not make his mother cry. Accompanying envelope includes inscription: "Charlie's promise to mother."
Letter from Charles W. Drew to his sister Marguerite, January 14, 1922. Written on board the S.S. Willfaro. Describes travels from California, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Panama, notes they will go through the Panama Canal the following day. Two…
Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, September 10, [1919]. Written during his post-war service at Kelly Field, Texas. Describes work outfitting servicemen and aircraft, an incident with someone trying to get him grounded, and other personal…
Telegram from Charles W. Drew, likely to his mother, January 14, 1919. Notes that he is at Walter Reed Hospital, expects to be home soon with thirty days leave.
Greeting card from Charles W. Drew, 1918. Cover image features an illustration of two soldier boys embracing. Text reads: "With Much Love" and "Best Wishes from 'Over Here.'" Includes 1918 calendar printed on verso.
Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, December 8, 1918. Notes that he is at St. Nazaire, France to ship back home, mentions that he hasn't received any word from her yet, and is worried about the reports of flu in the States. Two handwritten…
Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, November 23, 1918. Notes receipt of letter from Marguerite (Drew's sister) saying he is missing in action and worries that they have not gotten word of his safety yet, describes his reunion with members of…
Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, October 15, 1918. Notes that he is writing with his left hand and his injury is healing well, hopes that she finds out that he is a prisoner quickly, and other personal news. Two handwritten pages, with…
Postcard from Charles W. Drew to his mother, October 5, 1918. Asks after his sister and friends, mentions he is resting and recovering. Sent from hospital in Metz (part of Germany during the war, now France).
Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, September 30, 1918. Reports that he is in a German hospital after being shot down near Metz (part of Germany during the war, now France), has had his right arm amputated due to injury, and will likely be…