Browse Items (614 total)

Bombs away!
Poster of a U.S. Army Air Forces bombardier at his station, circa 1944. Explosions are visible through the Plexiglas. Art by Cecil Calvert Beall.Text: "Bombs away! / The greatest team in the world. AAF."

[Grade report issued to Sergeant Fred Thibodeaux]
Grade report issued to Sergeant Fred Thibodeaux, U.S. Army Air Forces, by the B-29 Division of the Flying Fortress School, September 17, 1943. One typed page with envelope.

[Certificate of technical aircraft training issued to Sergeant Fred Thibodeaux]
Certificate of technical aircraft training issued to Sergeant Fred Thibodeaux by the Boeing Flying Fortress School, September 17, 1943.

[Japanese Kawanishi H8K Emily aircraft in flight above water]
Photograph of a Japanese Kawanishi H8K Emily aircraft in flight above water, October 31, 1944. The view is partly obscured by the photographing aircraft. Part of a series photographs showing the Emily aircraft's pursuit and shoot-down. Caption:…

[Aerial view of Japanese ship]
Oblique aerial photograph of a Japanese ship, September 15, 1944. Caption: "7 VB116 - Enemy shipping - 15 Sept. 44 – 0400Z - 6 3/8'' - Rest."

[Aerial view of Japanese ship on fire]
Oblique aerial photograph of a Japanese ship on fire after being attacked, September 10, 1944. The view is partly obscured by the photographing aircraft. Part of a series of photographs showing the ship's destruction. Caption: "7 YB102 - Enemy…

[Aerial view of Japanese ship on fire]
Oblique aerial photograph of a Japanese ship on fire after being attacked, September 10, 1944. The view is partly obscured by the photographing aircraft. Part of a series of photographs showing the ship's destruction. Caption: "11 YB102 - Enemy…

[Aerial view of Japanese ship being attacked]
Oblique aerial photograph of a Japanese ship being attacked, September 10, 1944. The view is partly obscured by the photographing aircraft. Part of a series of photographs showing the ship's destruction. Caption: "5 YB102 + Enemy shipping - 10 Sept.…

[Ships in harbor, Guam]
Photograph of ships in a harbor, Guam, circa 1944-1945. Caption: "4. 48 B.S. - M.N. - 2 - Guam - 040010Z - 6 3/8'' - 100' - Restricted P.491." Caption on accompanying document: "139. Guam."

[Aerial view of unidentified location in Guam after aerial bombing]
Aerial photograph of an unidentified location in Guam after an aerial bombing, circa 1944-1945. Caption: "5. 48B.S. - M.N. - 3 - Guam - [illegible]50Z - 6 3/8'' - 100' - Restricted P.485." Caption on accompanying document: "140. Guam."
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