Browse Items (147 total)

[Discharge certificate issued to William S. Luckey by New Jersey National Guard]
Discharge certificate issued to William S. Luckey by the New Jersey National Guard, October 29, 1898. Includes military record on verso and a handwritten note listing Luckey's birth and death dates. Two total pages.

[Certificate of appointment issued by Oklahoma National Guard to James J. Dunnam, October 1, 1939]
Certificate of appointment issued by the Oklahoma National Guard to James J. Dunnam, October 1, 1939. Appoints Dunnam to Sergeant, Band Section, Service Battery, 189th Field Artillery. One typed page

[Certificate of appointment issued by Oklahoma National Guard to James J. Dunnam, July 2, 1939]
Certificate of appointment issued by the Oklahoma National Guard to James J. Dunnam, July 2, 1939. Appoints Dunnam to Corporal, Band Section, Service Battery, 189th Field Artillery. One typed page.

[Hall of Fame induction certification for Clyde Pangborn]
Certificate for Clyde Pangborn's induction into the OX5 Aviation Pioneers Hall of Fame, October 6, 1979.

[Pan American Clipper Club membership certificate for William H. Cook, Jr.]
Membership certificate for the Pan American Clipper Club presented to William H. Cook, Jr., January 22, 1962. Certificate is signed by Pan American World Airways President, Juan T. Trippe. Text: "Having made valuable and significant contributions to…

[Certificate of membership issued by Ancient and Secret Order of Quiet Birdmen to Norman G. Stromer, circa 1960s-1980s]
Certificate of membership issued by the Ancient and Secret Order of Quiet Birdmen to Norman G. Stromer, circa 1960s-1990s.

[Society of the Sigma Xi membership diploma for William Hough Cook, Jr.]
Membership diploma for William Hough Cook, Jr., issued by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute chapter of the Society of the Sigma Xi, September 27, 1933.

[Presidential letter of appreciation for military service addressed to Captain Lewis P. Bowers, circa 1945]
Presidential letter of appreciation for military service, addressed to Captain Lewis P. Bowers and signed by President Harry S. Truman, circa 1945.

[Flight certification issued by United States Air Force to Robert L. Baseler, July 19, 1956]
Flight certification issued by the United States Air Force to Robert L. Baseler, July 19, 1956. Certifies that Baseler has passed qualification tests for the Northrop F-89 Scorpion aircraft.

[Certificate of Honorable Discharge issued by United States Air Force to Nancy (Nordhoff) Dunnam, December 20, 1944]
Certificate of Honorable Discharge issued by the United States Air Force to Nancy (Nordhoff) Dunnam, December 20, 1944.
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