Browse Items (28 total)

[Page of aviator signatures]
Page of aviator signatures, circa 1922-1953. The page was originally taken from the 1922 book "L'Aéronautique" by Charles Dollfus. The verso includes the edition number for the book (433 out of 500). The signatures are organized into three columns.…

[Travel diary of Ethyl Y. Dale]
Travel diary of Ethyl Y. Dale, circa 1932-1969. Originally a copy of "Airman's World," published by William Morrow, New York, 1933. Dale added personal notes, photographs, and other ephemera to the book documenting her flights.

31st Fighter Group, Mission to Russia, Distinguished Unit Citation, 25 July-1944
"Copy No. 4." Cover title.

Army and Navy Service Book
Book titled "Army and Navy Service Book," printed by the National Lutheran Commission for Soldiers' and Sailors' Welfare, 1918. Includes prayers and hymns with music. 107 typed pages.

Combat tactics in the southwest Pacific area / by Thomas B. McGuire, Jr.
Cover title. Typescript. "4 May 1944."

Das problem der befahrung des weltraums : der raketen-motor / von Hermann Noordung.

Flugzeugabbildungen : Ausgabe: B. Für Offiziere
At head of title: Nur für den Dienstgebrauch.

French-English / English-French dictionary
"French-English / English-French dictionary," E.F.G. Pocket series, published by T. Nelson & Sons, circa 1910s. Pocket dictionary belonging to Ray M. Grimshaw. Includes inscriptions on the front page. Only the book's cover and inscriptions have…

Handbook for Military Government in Germany prior to defeat or surrender.

Handbook governing policy and procedure for the military occupation of Germany / Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.
"April, 1945." Errata slip (1 folded leaf) inserted.
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