Handwritten note from young Charles Drew, September 3, 1902. Promises to be a good boy and to not make his mother cry. Accompanying envelope includes inscription: "Charlie's promise to mother."
Typed note from the "Jewell County Record" newspaper regarding an article about Iva (Fullerton) Metz published on July 18, 1942. Includes the text of the article: "Congratulations to Ivalee Fullerton, as she was allowed to fly alone Sunday. She is…
Financial notes written by Wilbur D. Kennedy regarding funds deposited and loans, circa 1918. Handwritten notes on deposits to Cedar Rapids, Iowa banks at home and at the American Express office in Paris; receipts from and loans to fellow officers.
Items from Box 20, Folder 5 and Box 205, Folder 3 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, July 1942 to May 1943. Contains correspondence, notes, and sketches created by William P. Lear related to a remote control apparatus. Four total items and…
Items from Box 1, Folder 15 and Box 209, Folder 1 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, June 1935 to November 1944. Contains drafts, notes, and technical drawings for the radio guidance system and blind approach system (WPL/30-1) patent.…
Items from Box 4, Folder 27 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, August 1939. Includes eight pages of handwritten notes and sketches related to "Blind approach by voice," an airplane landing system.
Items from Box 4, Folder 23; Box 200, Folder 1; and Box 209, Folder 1 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, February 1939 to March 1940. Contains notes and diagrams related to ADF-6 and ADF-7 automatic direction finders. 11 total items.
Items from Box 143, Folder 5 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, November 1981. Contains a supervisory concept guide and supplementary materials related to Lear Fan standards of performance and appraisal, produced by the Lear Fan Training…