Browse Items (34 total)

Aviation Cadet training
Poster of three servicemen in flight gear, circa 1943. Text: "This announcement is made with the approval of the Joint Army and Navy Personnel Board. Aviation Cadet training to become bombardiers, navigators, and pilots in the Army Air Forces for men…

Back the attack! / Buy war bonds
Poster of a serviceman holding a machine gun as parachutes descend above him, circa 1940s. Text: "Back the attack! / Buy war bonds."

Be a Marine / Free a Marine to fight
Poster of a servicewoman of the U.S. Marine Corps Women's Reserve with an unidentified aircraft, circa 1940s. Text: "Be a Marine / Free a Marine to fight."

Bits of careless talk are pieced together by the enemy
Poster of a hand wearing a Nazi ring piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, 1943. Art by Stevan Dohanos. Text: "Bits of careless talk are pieced together by the enemy / Convoy sails for England tonight."

Bombs away!
Poster of a U.S. Army Air Forces bombardier at his station, circa 1944. Explosions are visible through the Plexiglas. Art by Cecil Calvert Beall.Text: "Bombs away! / The greatest team in the world. AAF."

Enlist in a proud profession! / Join the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps
Poster of a servicewoman of the United States Cadet Nurse Corps, circa 1940s. Art by Carolyn Moorhead Edmundson. Text: "Enlist in a proud profession! / Join the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps / A lifetime education -- free! If you can qualify / For…

Fuel fights! / Save your share
Poster promoting fuel conservation, 1943. Lists tips on how to conserve coal, oil, and gas for the war effort. Text: "Fuel fights! / Save your share / 1. Keep your temperature at 65 degrees F during day - lower at night. / 2. Don't heat unused rooms.…

Help them - Keep your War Savings pledge
Poster of servicemen firing a machine gun loaded with war savings stamps as ammunition, circa 1917-1918. Art by Casper Emerson Jr., issued by the U.S. Treasury Department. Text: "Help them / Keep your War Savings pledge."

In 1942 America will build 60,000 war planes…
Poster of aircraft in flight over a portrait of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, undated reproduction by Vintage Arte, based on an original design from the 1940s. Numbered 101 of 2500. Text: "In 1942 America will build 60,000 war planes. In 1943…

Join the Air Service / "Give 'er the gun"
Poster of two U.S. Army Air Service servicemen with aircraft, a balloon, and an airship, circa 1918-1919. Art by Warren Keith, produced by the Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Company. Text: "Join the Air Service / 'Give 'er the gun / Learn. Earn."
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