Photograph of fighter ace Walter V. Cook in flight gear leaning against the tail of an aircraft, circa 1940s.
Stamped on verso: "Passed by US 10082 Army Examiner. Passed for personal use only. Not for publication 23 Aug 1944 Theater Censor ETOUSA 1."
Photograph of Edwin Bergquist of the 56th Fighter Group, United States Army Air Forces, circa 1940s.Inscription on verso: "Berquist [Bergquist], 61st. 'Berk' Berquist [Bergquist]. Supply."
Photograph of George R. "Doc" Hornig of the 56th Fighter Group, United States Army Air Forces, circa 1940s.Inscription on verso: "1324 Hornig, George R. 'Doc' Hornig. Medico."
Photograph of Emil Gauggel of the 56th Fighter Group, United States Army Air Forces, circa 1940s.Inscription on verso: "Guggel [Gauggel]. Communications."