Photographic group portrait of the 38th Reconnaissance Squadron basketball team, February 23, 1939. Identified individuals include Lee Embree (first row, holding the basketball), Lieutenant Hutchinson (back row, fourth from left), Jesse Schneider…
Air travel authorization issued by the Southwest Pacific Area for Lee Embree, Richard D. Towell Jr., Harry Isadson, Chester S. Kronfeld, and Salvadore Tsoriero, January 23, 1945. Two (2) pages.
Photograph of several Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft (visible tail number 34 38R) of the 38th Reconnaissance Squadron, United States Army Air Corps, parked at an airfield in Tucson, Arizona, March 20, 1941.
Photograph of a broadcast being made from the balcony of a military building during an air show, likely in California, November 14, 1937. A crowd of people watches the air show from the balconies, windows, and steps of the building. Lee Embree is…