Photograph of a Fairchild FC-2W2 aircraft (fuselage number 17) at the Dayton Air Races, October 1924. The text on the fuselage reads: "Hartzell Walnut / Built on Honor / Hartzell Walnut Propeller Company / Piqua, Ohio, U.S.A."
Inscription on album…
Photograph of a Fairchild FC-2 aircraft (tail number N-57), circa 1920s-1930s. The text "United States Tour of Charles A. Lindbergh" is painted on the cockpit door.
Film footage of aviation activities at Mitchel Field, Garden City, New York, 1927. The footage depicts several well-known aviation events and activities by famous aviators, such as Charles Lindbergh taking off in the "Spirit of St. Louis" for his…