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[Fairchild Fairchild FC-2W2 aircraft at Dayton Air Races]
Photograph of a Fairchild FC-2W2 aircraft (fuselage number 17) at the Dayton Air Races, October 1924. The text on the fuselage reads: "Hartzell Walnut / Built on Honor / Hartzell Walnut Propeller Company / Piqua, Ohio, U.S.A." Inscription on album…

[Fairchild FC-2 aircraft]
Photograph of a Fairchild FC-2 aircraft (tail number N-57), circa 1920s-1930s. The text "United States Tour of Charles A. Lindbergh" is painted on the cockpit door.

[Aviation activities at Mitchel Field, New York, 1927]
Film footage of aviation activities at Mitchel Field, Garden City, New York, 1927. The footage depicts several well-known aviation events and activities by famous aviators, such as Charles Lindbergh taking off in the "Spirit of St. Louis" for his…
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