"French-English / English-French dictionary," E.F.G. Pocket series, published by T. Nelson & Sons, circa 1910s. Pocket dictionary belonging to Ray M. Grimshaw. Includes inscriptions on the front page. Only the book's cover and inscriptions have…
Newspaper clipping, "Oregon boys now in service tell interesting experiences," from an unidentified publication, circa 1916-1917. Features a brief story on Ray M. Grimshaw and mentions that, in a letter to his sister (Mrs. W. W. Woodworth), Grimshaw…
Telegram to G. L. Grimshaw from Ray M. Grimshaw, March 17, 1919. Reads: "Am on train bound for Camp Lewis. Will go by Pittsburg, Chicago and St. Paul. Am traveling by Pullman. Expect to arrive the 24th." Includes envelope.
Postcard to Mrs. G. L. Grimshaw from Ray M. Grimshaw, postmarked August 14, 1917. Notes that he will be in New York soon. Postcard illustration depicts Hotel Patten in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Caption on front: "Hotel Patton, Chattanooga, U.S.A.,…
Postcard to Mrs. G. L. Grimshaw from Ray M. Grimshaw, postmarked August 14, 1917. Notes that he will be in Washington, D.C. soon. Postcard illustration depicts the First Universalist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee.Caption on front: "First…
Postcard to Mrs. G. L. Grimshaw from Ray M. Grimshaw, postmarked August 13, 1917. Notes that he just crossed the Tennessee River. Postcard illustration depicts Sunset Rock on Lookout Mountain, Tennessee.Caption on front: "Sunset Rock, Lookout…
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grimshaw from Ray M. Grimshaw, August 3, 1918. Discusses mail delivery, how expensive milk is in France, asks for frequent letters. Two folded sheets, four handwritten pages on Young Men's Christian Association…
Letter to Mr. J. W. Grimshaw from Ray M. Grimshaw, July 28, 1918. Discusses Jack's (Ray's brother) possible enlistment and how every single piece of equipment is camouflaged, from ships to autos to tents, and "even all of these pretty French girls…
Memorandum, "Information relative to compensation and continuance of War Risk Insurance," furnished to Ray M. Grimshaw, March 25, 1919. Contains information related to insurance premiums and payment schedules. Two typed pages.