Promotional film for Lear, Incorporated, produced by Norman Wright Productions (Hollywood, California) and narrated by Bob Cummings, circa 1960s. The footage opens with a dramatization of an astronaut piloting a futuristic spacecraft on a deep-space…
Audio recording of a "Paul Harvey News" episode that mentions William P. Lear and the Learjet, February 1966.
Text on label: "Paul Harvey News 'KAKE Radio.' Broadcast: Feb. 2nd, 1966."
Audio recording of an aura reading for William P. Lear, circa 1960s.
Handwritten label on reel: "WPL - Aura reading."
Typed label on reel: "WPL - Hondorus. Feb. 25, 1968. [likely referring to a previous recording taped over by the aura…
Audio recording of conversation between William P. Lear and others about his life, circa 1960s.
Handwritten label on reel: "Bill Lear. Meeting - Lear Inc. Gyro - after Lear Jet. Journalists."
Audio recording of an episode of "The Innovators" about William P. Lear, circa February 1970.
Text on label: "From Functional Media, Inc. [address in Chicago, Illinois]. To: Bill Lear. Episode for The Innovators, NBC Radio Network, Monitor…Saturday,…
Audio recording of excerpt from William P. Lear's speech about steam engine development, circa 1970s.
Handwritten label on reel: "U.S. govn't letter, interview."
Audio recording containing excerpts from an Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (IAS) panel on aircraft developments and an Easter party with Lear family and friends, circa 1950s.
Typed label on reel: "Panel discussion: WPL and Gus Raspit…
Audio recording comprised of three excerpts from separate recording sessions, all related to William P. Lear or his businesses, circa mid-1950s. The excerpts are 1) Lear discussing his 1956 flight to the Soviet Unions, 2) a business meeting of Lear…