Photograph of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft parked at Komaki Air Base, Japan, July 1947.Inscription on verso: "Sunset behind AT-6 on Komaki Airdrome. Nagoya, Japan. July 47."
Photograph of First Lieutenant Burroughs in the cockpit of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft at a Komaki Air Base, Japan, April 1947.Inscription on verso: "1st Lt. Burroughs, former Flight C.O. of the 158th Liaison Squadron. He also got…
Photograph of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft parked at Komaki Air Base in Nagoya, Japan, April 1947. The plane bears United States Army Air Forces markings.Inscription on verso: "AT-6 in late evening with sun reflecting from other side of…
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen posing with the tail of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1943-1945. Carol Nicholson is on the far left.
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen posing with a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft (fuselage designation U259), circa 1943-1945. Carol Nicholson is third from the right.
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Carol Nicholson in the cockpit of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1943-1945.
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen posing with a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1943-1945. Identified individuals include Carol Nicholson (front row, second from left), Betty June Overman, Nancy Nordhoff, Ann…
Aerial photograph of Avenger Field, Texas, taken from a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1943-1945.Inscription on verso: "These are shots of Avenger from the AT.6 in the traffic pattern."
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen posing with a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1943-1945. Identified individuals include Carol Nicholson (front row, far right), Betty June Overman, Nancy Nordhoff, Ann…