Browse Items (16 total)

Wings over America
Poster of four U.S. Army Air Forces Seversky P-35 aircraft and an eagle in flight, circa 1939. Art by Tom B. Woodburn.

Wings over America
Poster of four U.S. Army Air Forces Seversky P-35 aircraft and an eagle in flight, circa 1939. Art by Tom B. Woodburn.

Vultee Vengeance dive bombers with Wright Cyclone 14's
Lithograph of two Vultee Vengeance aircraft in a dive, circa 1940s.

The Thundering Herd
Lithograph of pilots running to their Brewster F2A Buffalo aircraft as Vickers Wellington bombers fly overhead, circa 1930s-1940s. Art by Jo Kotula, produced by the Brewster Aeronautical Corporation.

Soldiers' life / Make the Regular Army your career
Poster of a smiling serviceman in a U.S. Army uniform, circa 1941. Illustration by artist Tom B. Woodburn. Text: "Soldiers' life. Make the Regular Army your career."

Salute at Singapore
Lithograph of a Brewster F2A Buffalo aircraft in flight over a Pan American Airways Boeing Model 314 Clipper flying boat and a junk ship, circa 1941-1942. Art by Jo Kotula, produced by the Brewster Aeronautical Corporation.

Mitchell bombers sink Aleutian Japs [North American Aviation advertisement]
Magazine advertisement for North American Aviation from Collier's Magazine, circa 1942-1943. Features a full-page illustration of a North American B-25 Mitchell in flight over the Aleutian coast as ships burn in the water below. The text describes…

Mine eyes have seen the glory [Women's Army Corps poster]
Poster of a U.S. Women's Army Corps (WAC) servicewoman with soldiers and aircraft silhouetted in the background, circa 1944. Art of Jes Wilhelm Schlaikjer.

Lightning strikes the Axis! / The Army Air Forces salute your 3-to-1 victories
Original drawing of a U.S. Army Air Forces Lockheed P-38 Lightning aircraft firing its guns, 1940s. Text: "Lightning strikes the Axis. The Army Air Forces salute your 3-to-1 victories."

Keep 'em flying! / Air crews are vital for victory
Poster of U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen consulting a map while Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft fly overhead, circa 1942. Art by Ivan Dmitri. Text: "Keep 'em flying! / Air crews are vital for victory. Young men, 18 to 26 inclusive, can be…
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