Filmed advertisement for LearAvia Helicopter Services, produced by Northwest Films, circa 1970s. The footage features several shots of Bell 206L Longranger helicopters belonging to LearAvia's charter fleet. The scenes depict the helicopters parked at…
Parody engineering degree presented to William P. Lear by Lear employees, December 1971.Text: "Degree / BSEE / Bachelor of Science or Bull Shit Eyeball Engineering / This is to certify that William P. Lear has successfully contemplated, completed,…
Photograph of a LearAvia Hughes 500C helicopter (N9127F) in front of a LearAvia hangar, circa 1971-1973. A second helicopter is visible in the background.
Composite photograph featuring four images of the Lear AFC-70 autopilot, circa 1971-1976. The images show the interior components, as well as the fully assembled unit.Caption: "Lear Automatic Flight Control / AFC-70."
Items from Box 201, Folder 4 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, circa 1972-1974. Contains three technical illustrations for the Learjet Superwing.