Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, circa spring 1916. Discusses correspondence between Spillman and Senator Tillman. Two handwritten pages on USS Wyoming letterhead.
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, circa 1916-1920. Discusses legal issues, Congressional action, and the resignation of Dr. Langhorne from the Navy. Ten handwritten pages.
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, dated "Sunday the 11th," circa 1916-1920. Discusses business matters related to Morgan Davies and the Russian government, and hiring a new pilot. Five handwritten pages on USS Wyoming…
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, circa 1916-1920. Discusses various business matters, WEB's Alaska expedition, purchasing seal bones, and a story about Elliott Cowdin. Fifteen handwritten pages.
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, circa 1916-1920. Discusses hiring Wong Tsoo and Westervelt's naval assignments. Two handwritten pages.
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, circa 1916-1920. Discusses Westervelt's resignation, WEB's trip East, aircraft modifications, and research; mentions Jerome Hunsaker and Foley. Four handwritten pages.
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, dated July 23, circa 1916-1920. Discusses a previous letter and Naval officers' resignations; mentions Paul Wilstack. One handwritten page on Stratfield Hotel (Bridgeport, Connecticut)…
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, circa 1916. Discusses selling aircraft to the Army and Navy; mentions Jerome Hunsaker and Foley. Five handwritten pages.
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, February 20, 1915. Discusses swimming caps and mentions, Senators Chamberlain and Lewis, Foley, and Hunsaker. Three handwritten pages on USS Wyoming stationery.
Letter to William E. Boeing from George Conrad Westervelt, June 21, 1916. Advises that he has written Cooper re: Knox Martin but largely illegible. Six handwritten pages.