Special Orders No. 149, Headquarters U.S. Troops Paris, American Expeditionary Forces, June 6, 1918. Ten men, including 1st Lieutenant Hamilton Coolidge, are ordered to travel from Paris to Chartres, France for duty and station at that place. One…
Commendation issued to the Chief of Air Services, August 14, 1918. Commander-in-Chief [President Woodrow Wilson] via General Headquarters of the American Expeditionary Force commends the 1st Pursuit Group for their effective and daring work. One…
Operations Order No. 133, Operations Office, First Pursuit Group, September 18, 1918. Order for pilots to lessen their aggression during patrols and to not penetrate more than three kilometers into enemy territory. One typed page.
Operations Order No. 145, Operations Office, 94th Aero Squadron, September 24, 1918. Gives a schedule of operations for the 94th Aero Squadron, effective September 25, 1918. One typed page.
Operations Office memo, Operations Office, 94th Aero Squadron, September 27, 1918. Gives directions concerning procedures for night flying for the 94th Aero Squadron. One typed page.
Letter to Adjutant General, American Expeditionary Forces, from Captain Hamilton Coolidge, October 12, 1918. Writes to accept his commission as Captain in the Air Service. One typed page.