Photograph of a Stinson L-5 Sentinel aircraft parked in a hangar at Komaki Air Base in Nagoya, Japan, March 1947. The plane bears United States Army Air Forces markings and has "Fred's koibito" written on the nose.Inscription on verso: "L-5 stored in…
Photograph of an airplane hangar at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947. The caption notes that the hangar was used by the 158th Liaison Squadron, United States Army Air Forces, during bad weather.Caption on verso: "Closed hangar used by 158th Liaison…
Photograph of Lloyd Lyckman's quarters at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947.Inscription on verso: "My bunk — taken at night by electric light. (P.S. This bunk is just as 'lovely' as it looks, too!). Komaki Airdrome. March 1947."
Photograph of the dispensary building at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947.Inscription on verso: "View looking towards Dispensary from 158th Liaison Operations. March 1947."
Photograph of a Japanese military building in Nagoya, Japan, March 1947.Inscription on verso: "Japanese Military Building in Nagoya, Japan. March 1947."
Photograph of the 158th Liaison Squadron operations area at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947Inscription on verso: "158th Liaison operations, and sleeping quarters. March 1947."
Photograph of Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947. The inscription identifies various buildings, including an outhouse, a theater, and sleeping quarters. Inscription on verso: "View looking east towards Komaki Airdrome headquarters. (Flag pole and…
Photograph of the 158th Liaison Squadron operations building at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947.Inscription on verso: "158th Liaison operations bldg taken from atop of concrete hangar, looking east, after heavy rain. March 1947."