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[Aerial view of mountains]
Oblique aerial photograph of a mountain range in Japan, July 1947.Inscription on verso: "7000' Mts on course from Komaki to Yokohama. Japan. July 47."

[Stinson L-5 Sentinel aircraft at air base]
Photograph of Stinson L-5 Sentinel aircraft parked at an Eighth Army base in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947.Inscription on verso: "8th Army L-5 strip in down town Yokohama, looking east. P.X. Yokohama, Japan. July 47."

[Aerial view of Army base]
Oblique aerial photograph of an Eighth Army base and runway in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947. The runway layout and Post Exchange (PX) building are sketched on verso.Inscription on verso: "Eight Army L-5 strip – Yokohama. Yokohama, Japan. July 47."

[Eighth Army landing strip]
Photograph of a landing strip at an Eighth Army base in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947. The strip layout is sketched on verso.Inscription on verso: "8th Army L-5 strip, Yokohama, looking west. Hangar. Landing strip. Yokohama, Japan. July 47."

[Aerial view of port and air base in Yokohama, Japan]
Oblique aerial photograph of a port and air base in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947. A sketch on verso labels points of interest, including the docks and landing strip.Inscription on verso: "Yokohama landing strip. 1 mile. Loading + unloading docks.…

[Aerial view of air base]
Oblique aerial photograph of an Eighth Air Force base in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947. A sketch on verso notes points of interest, including a runway and an earthquake memorial.Inscription on verso: "Eigth [Eighth] Army L-5 strip. Yokohama. Hangar.…

[Aerial view of Yokohama harbor]
Oblique aerial photograph of a harbor in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947. A sketch on verso notes specific points of interest, such as loading and unloading docks used by occupation forces.Inscription on verso: "Harbor. Loading and unloading docks for…

[Aerial view of Yokohama shipyards]
Oblique aerial photograph of shipyards in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947. The shipyard layout is sketched on verso. Inscription on verso: "Yokohama ship yards. Yokohama, Japan. July 47."

[Aerial view of Yokohama harbor]
Oblique aerial photograph of a harbor in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947. A sketch on verso notes specific points of interest, such as loading and unloading docks.Inscription on verso: "Loading + unloading docks. Yokohama, Japan. July 47."

[Aerial view of gorge]
Oblique aerial photograph of a gorge in Japan, July 1947. Inscription on verso: "Deep gorge in Mts on way to Yokohama. (Scene near Mt. Fuji). Japan. July 47."
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