Report titled "Engineer special study of the surface of the Moon," by Robert J. Hackman and Arnold C. Mason, United States Geological Survey, 1961. Part of the Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations series, map I-351. Packet includes two maps; a third…
Map titled "Geologic map and sections of the Kepler Region of the Moon," by R. J. Hackman, published by the United States Geological Survey, 1962. Part of the "Geology of the Moon: Keplar Region" series, map I-355 (LAC-57).
Map titled "Geologic map and sections of the Letronne Region of the Moon," by C. H. Marshall, published by the United States Geological Survey, 1963. Part of the "Geology of the Moon: Letronne Region" series, map I-385 (LAC-75).
Memorandum to V. C. Clarke, Jr. and T. H. Thornton, Jr. from W. J. O'Neil, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, April 18, 1966. Forwards information related to preliminary trajectory characteristics for Surveyor Mission B. Ten (10) pages.
Photograph of Earth's moon taken from the Lick Observatory (California), circa 1967. Visible landmarks include the lunar crater Tycho and its ray system. A box is drawn around Tycho, with the caption noting that the outlined area corresponds to an…
Map titled "Lunar chart index," published by the Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, United States Air Force, circa 1960s.
Inscription on verso: "U.S. Geological Survey, [address in Menlo Park, California]. Donald Ellston, Branch of…
Report titled "The possible contribution of Lunar Orbiter A and B sites on Apollo launch window during 1968," likely prepared by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, circa 1966. Twenty-six (26) typed pages.
Photograph of the surface of Earth's moon taken from the Lunar Orbiter III satellite, February 22, 1967. Visible landmarks in the photo include the lunar craters Kepler (near center) and Kepler A (near right edge).
Typed caption on verso: "National…