Browse Items (45 total)

The Wright idea.
"Published weekly by the personnel of Wilbur Wright Air Service Depot, Fairfield, O." Vol. 1, no. 27 includes "Pictorial supplement." No more published. Holdings Statement: v.1:no.27(1919:​Jan.25).

Douglas airview
No more published. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 14, no. 5 (Aug./Sept. 1947). Holding Statement: v.3:no.2(1936:M​ar.)-​v.14:no.5(1947:​Aug./Sept.).

Some issues lack numbering. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (July 1941); title from cover. Latest issue consulted: Sept. 1944. Vol.1:no.2(1941:J​une)-​v.1:no.3(1941:O​ct.),1944:Sept.​.

The Curtiss flyleaf.
Title from cover. Holdings Statement: v.1:no.3(1917:S​ept.),v.2:no.5(​1918:May).

Curtiss fly leaf.
No numbers were issued Aug. 1918-Sept. 1936 (v. 3, no. 2-v. 20, no. 3) Issues for 1917-18 were published by the Curtis Aeroplane and Motor Corporation. Continues: Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation. Curtiss flyleaf Holdings Statement:…

Trade winds
Designation varies. Holdings Statement: v.1:no.9(1934:D​ec.)-​1947:winter.

Curtiss-Wright review.
Continues numbering of its predecessor. Continues: Curtiss-Wright tradewind Holding Statement: v.1:no.3(1930:J​une)-​v.2:no.4(1931:O​ct.).

The Wright engine builder
Continues: The Wright aircraft builder; continued by: The Tradewind. Continues: Wright aircraft builder Holding Statement: v.8:no.7(1926:J​uly)-​v.11:no.6(1929:​June).

The Wright aircraft builder.
Issues for April-November 1925 are numbered as volume 5, numbers 4-11, but the issue for December 1925 is numbered as volume 7, number 12. Continued by: The Wright engine builder. Description based on: v. 8, no. 1 (Jan. 1926). Holdings Statement:…

The Tradewind.
Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 7 (July, 1929). Holdings Statement: v.11:no.7(1929:​July)-​v.11:no.8(1929:​Aug.),v.12:no.1​(1930:Feb.).
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