[German servicemen and American prisoners of war on dirt road]

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[German servicemen and American prisoners of war on dirt road]


Photograph of German servicemen and American prisoners of war on a dirt road, circa 1918. Some of the prisoners do not have shoes and are walking in socks or with bags wrapped around their feet. A sign by the road reads: "Gasgefahrzone! Maske geschultert bei Gasbereits [illegible] auf brust."

Inscription on photo: "[illegible] 1918. Sef. Amerikaner."

Inscription on album page: "American prisoners. Note men without shoes and feet wrapped in rags."

Part of Album One from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.


1918 circa

Bibliographic Citation

The Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums/The Museum of Flight




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