Sojiji Temple

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Sojiji Temple


Photograph of a temple building at Sōji-ji near Yokohama, Japan circa 1945-1952.

Typed caption in margin: "Sojiji Temple."

Typed caption on verso: "No information can be gathered on this Temple, however, it has it's [its] definite purpose as do all the other places of worship. The roofs on all homes, dwellings, temples, etc., are built with patience and untiring effort. The tradition behind that is that, as the rood faces heavenword [heavenward], it is believed that they owe all they have to the Gods, and most of the expense that goes into a home, or the like, goes on the roof."


1945-1952 circa

Bibliographic Citation

The Lloyd R. Lyckman Military Aviation Collection/The Museum of Flight

