[Congressional party in War Ministry Building, Tokyo, Japan]

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[Congressional party in War Ministry Building, Tokyo, Japan]


Photograph of (from left to right) Justice Ivan Michyevich Zaryanov, Representative Leroy Johnson, SirWilliam Webb, and Representative Dewey Short in the War Ministry Building, Tokyo, Japan, August 26, 1946. The image was taken during the proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East.

Caption on verso: "WPA-46-67262. 26 Aug. 46. Congressional party visits War Crimes Trial. During tour of inspection of military installations in the Pacific Area, the Congressional Party visited the War Crimes Trial in the War Ministry Bldg., Tokyo, Japan. L. to R: Russian Justice I. M. Zaryanov, Rep. Leroy Johnson, Mil. Affairs Comm., Sir William Web, Pres. IMTFE., and Rep. Dewey Short, Mil. Affairs Comm., during TSA given by Sir William Webb. Photographer - Friedman."

Stamped on verso: "Photograph by Signal Corps U.S. Army."




Bibliographic Citation

The Robert F. Hardin World War II Japanese War Trials Photograph Collection/The Museum of Flight

