[Audio recording of meeting between William P. Lear and Mr. Black regarding LIFE system]
Audio recording of a meeting between William P. Lear and Mr. Black regarding the LIFE (Lear Integrated Flight Equipment) system, Santa Monica, California, circa 1958.
Handwritten label on reel: "Lear - Info. Advertising."
Inscription on back of box: "Bill Lear on 'LIFE' - Santa Monica."
This audio recording contains a meeting between William P. Lear and Mr. Black regarding the LIFE (Lear Integrated Flight Equipment) system, recorded in Santa Monica, California, circa 1958. Lear and Black discuss operational details and marketing strategies for LIFE, an integrated system of aircraft navigation components. NAFLI (Natural Flight Instrument), the featured component of the LIFE system, is mentioned several times. Topics discussed include ideal language for advertising copy, the advantages of LIFE compared to other flight equipment, and how to use LIFE in hypothetical situations. Lear and Black also reference an upcoming meeting with Herb Fisher, who plans to write an article about LIFE for “Skyways” magazine. Moya O. Lear is briefly heard near the end of the recording.
The original audio contains a great deal of background noise and some moments of distortion. The dialogue is often difficult to hear due to the low quality of the audio.
Bibliographic Citation
Collection Organization
- [Unavailable]