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[Zeppelin hangars and aircraft at German airfield, Johannisthal, Germany]
Photograph of Zeppelin hangars and aircraft at a German airfield, Johannisthal, Germany, circa 1914-1918.Inscription: "Auf dem Flugplatz bei Johannisthal: [rest cut off]."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Servicemen at airfield, Koblenz, Germany]
Photograph of German and American servicemen at an airfield, Koblenz, Germany, circa 1918-1919.Inscription on album page: "Boche officers at our field in Coblenz."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[German servicemen and dog standing near Albatros D.V aircraft]
Photograph of German servicemen and a dog standing near an Albatros D.V aircraft, Koblenz, Germany, circa 1918-1919.Inscription on album page: "Boche officers to test surrendered ships at Coblenz."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.