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2 results

[1932 and 1933 National Air Races]
Film footage of the 1932 and 1933 National Air Races. The first segment features clips from the 1932 National Air Races, showing aircraft, pilots, officials, and spectators. Scenes include air races, aerobatics, parachute jumps, and formation flying. Several individuals are named in the title cards but do not clearly appear in the footage; some only appear at a distance while piloting their…
[Boleslaw Orlinski, Dorothy Hester, and Ernst Udet]
Photograph of (from left to right) Boleslaw Orlinski, Dorothy Hester, and Ernst Udet posing with Hester's Great Lakes (1929) Model 2T-1A aircraft (tail number NC 315Y) at the National Air Races, Cleveland, Ohio, 1931.Caption on adjacent album page: "Captain Boleslaw Orlinski, Dorothy Hester and Major Ernst Udet representing three countries, executed three distinct types of flying and were…