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[Colonel Mikhail Gromoff and Captain Sergei Danilin signing autographs at banquet]
Photograph of Soviet Air Force servicemen Colonel Mikhail Gromoff and Captain Sergei Danilin signing autographs at a banquet in San Diego, California, circa 1930s Typed caption on album: "Soviet Aces honored at San Diego Calif. Colonel Mikhail Gromoff, pilot, and Captain Sergei Danilin, navigator, obliging autograph seekers during the official luncheon given them at San Diego California." Stamped…
[Pass issued to Sidney Van Wyck Peters by Signal Corps Aviation School, February 11, 1918]
Pass issued to Sidney Van Wyck Peters by the Signal Corps Aviation School (San Diego, California), February 11, 1918.Part of a scrapbook containing items related to Sidney Van Wyck Peters' service with the 24th Aero Squadron during World War I, circa 1917-1919.
[Soviet Air Force servicemen and representatives with their American hosts]
Photograph of Soviet Air Force servicemen and representatives with their American hosts at a banquet in San Diego, California, circa 1930s. From left to right: Acting Consul General Grigori Gokhman, S. A. Shumovsky, Colonel Mikhail Gromoff, J. L. Hickman, Andrei Yumasheff, Vice Admiral Frederick J. Horne, Walter Bellon, and Captain Sergei Danilin. Typed caption on album: "Soviet Aces honored at…
[Photographic postcard to C. N. Butler from Herman Butler, postmarked February 9, 1917]
Photographic postcard to C. N. Butler from Herman Butler, postmarked February 9, 1917. Acknowledges receipt of letters and describes the postcard image. Postcard image features the waterfront at a base in San Diego, California, with ships and buildings captioned by hand.Inscription: "USS Oregon, USS Nansham, USS San Diego. Officers mess. Hangar. Hydro planes. San Diego. Barracks and mess hall."
[Photographic postcard to C. N. Butler from Herman Butler, postmarked February 26, 1917]
Photographic postcard to C. N. Butler from Herman Butler, postmarked February 26, 1917. Acknowledges receipt of a cake and promises to send photos. Postcard image features several servicemen in a small boat.
[Postcard to C. N. Butler from Herman Butler, postmarked April 2, 1917]
Postcard to C. N. Butler from Herman Butler, postmarked April 2, 1917. Acknowledges receipt of letters and gives instructions for future mail. Postcard image features a wharf scene in San Diego, California.Typed caption: "1184 - Wharf Scene, San Diego, California."