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4 results

[Various aircraft, predominantly military, at unidentified airfields, circa 1930s-1940s]
Film footage of various aircraft, predominantly military, at unidentified airfields, circa 1930s-1940s. The footage is comprised of several short scenes showing various aircraft on the flight line, taxiing, taking off, and in flight. The first segment is in black-and-white and features the following aircraft: 00:00:10 - Vultee V1100:00:19 - U.S. Army North American BT-9s, shown flying in formation…
[1939 National Air Races, Cleveland, Ohio]
Film footage of the 1939 National Championship Air Races, Cleveland, Ohio, 1939. The footage includes scenes of aerobatics, formation flying, parachute jumps, air races, officials, and spectators. Identified aircraft include: 00:03:45 - Monocoupe Model 11000:04:10 - U.S. Army Air Corps Curtiss P-36 Hawks00:04:27 - U.S. Army Air Corps Boeing XB-1500:07:37 - Grumman F3Fs, likely U.S. Navy or Marine…
[1938 National Championship Air Races, air show at Black Hills Airport in South Dakota, and assorted in-flight and airport scenes, circa 1938]
Film footage of the 1938 National Championship Air Races in Cleveland, Ohio, an air show at Black Hills Airport in South Dakota, and miscellaneous in-flight and airport scenes, circa 1938. The first segment is of the 1938 National Championship Air Races, showing scenes of aerobatics, formation flying, parachute drops, officials, and spectators. Identified aircraft include: 00:26:00 - Grumman F3Fs,…
[Pennsylvania Central Airlines Boeing 247D and other aircraft, circa 1938]
Film footage of a Pennsylvania Central Airlines Boeing 247D and other aircraft, circa 1938. The footage begins with short scenes showing various aircraft landing, taking off, taxiing, and parked at airfields, as well as aerial views taken from unidentified aircraft in flight. Identified aircraft include: 00:00:11 - U.S. Army Air Corps Curtiss P-36 Hawk aircraft landing and taxiing by a…