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32 results

[WASP songbook]
WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) songbook, compiled and presented by Class 44-W-10, circa 1943-1945. Song titles include "Avenger Field," "Songs of the 319th," "Mess Hall Song," "You're in the FTD," "Zoot-Suits and Parachutes," "We Hate to See You Leave Us," "Silver Wings on Blue," "An Innocent Trainee," and "Final Inspection Blues: Dedicated to Dust." The cover includes an illustration of…
Advance Instructions to Air Raid Wardens, Block Leaders, Neighborhood Leaders [Booklet, circa 1940s]
Booklet, "Advance Instructions to Air Raid Wardens, Block Leaders, Neighborhood Leaders," Washington State Defense Council, circa 1940s. Provides information on the V-Home Campaign and the roles and responsibilities those involved in civil defense. Four typed pages.v
The Men Who Made Brooks Field [Booklet]
Booklet titled "The Men Who Made Brooks Field," published by the Maverick-Clarke Litho Company (San Antonia, Texas), circa 1918. The title page describes the booklet as "a pictorial history of America's Foremost Air Service United States Army Flying School." Lieutenant Jules Verne (J. V.) Hyde is mentioned in a section called the "Log" of Brooks Field. 72 pages.
Our days in France [Booklet, 1918-1919]
Booklet, "Our days in France," compiled by the 15th Company, U.S. Army, 1918-1919. Includes portraits and snapshots of soldiers at camp and dated entries (beginning on Sunday, February 17th) providing a brief description of the day's activities, weather, and military actions. Leonard H. Grimshaw of Florence, Oregon is included in the list of personnel at end of booklet. Two copies in the…
[William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, Box 153, Folder 5 - Sales booklets, 1978, undated]
Items from Box 153, Folders 5 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, circa 1978. Contains sales booklets with text, diagrams, and photographs related to the Lear Fan 2100. Three total items.
Facts for Air Raid Wardens and Every Civilian: Bombs, Incendiaries, War Gases, Home Protection [Booklet, March 1942]
Booklet, "Facts for Air Raid Wardens and Every Civilian: Bombs, Incendiaries, War Gases, Home Protection," Civilian Protection Division, Seattle, Washington, March 1942. 47 pages.
Civilian Protection: A Handbook for Civilian Volunteers [Booklet, 1941-1942]
Booklet, "Civilian Protection: A Handbook for Civilian Volunteers," Washington State Defense Council, 1941-1942. Table of contents: Air raid precautions -- What to do in an air raid -- War gases -- Blackouts -- Emergency traffic control regulations -- School protection -- Civilian protection -- Experience of England -- Evacuation -- You can help -- Conclusion. 60 typed pages.
Handbook of First Aid [Booklet, December 1941]
Booklet, "Handbook of First Aid," prepared by the U.S. Office of Civilian Defense in cooperation with the American Red Cross, December 1941. 72 typed pages.
[William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, Box 50, Folder 11 - "Aviation radio before, during, and after the war" -- WPL speech, 1945 March 7]
Items from Box 50, Folder 11 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, March 7, 1945. Contains a typed copy of speech delivered by William P. Lear to the Aviation Writers Association and booklet with a slightly edited version of the speech. The speech focuses on Lear's ongoing development of aviation radio devices. Two total documents.
Facts for Air Raid Wardens and Every Civilian: Supplement No. 1 [Booklet, August 1942]
Booklet, "Facts for Air Raid Wardens and Every Civilian: Supplement No. 1: Japanese Incendiary Bombs, Magnesium Bombs, Gas Masks, Self Decontamination, Sanitation, Dimout," Civilian Protection Division of Civilian War Commission of the City of Seattle, Washington, August 1942. 23 typed pages.