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[Memorandum regarding change of allotment amounts for Lee Embree, circa 1943]
Memorandum from the Office of Dependency Benefits, War Department, circa 1943. Notes change of allotment amounts for Lee Embree. One (1) page.
[Memorandum to Jules Verne (J. V.) Hyde from Major Dean Smith, August 13, 1918]
Memorandum to Jules Verne (J. V.) Hyde from Major Dean Smith, August 13, 1918. Expresses admiration for Hyde's conduct in helping extricate Lieutenant Lawton B. Evans from a wrecked airplane. A clipping related to this crash is in Folder 3. One typed page.
[Memorandum issued by Chief of Air Service, American Expeditionary Forces, to Marc Lagen, May 28, 1918]
Memorandum issued by Chief of Air Service, American Expeditionary Forces, to Marc Lagen, May 28, 1918. Notifies Lagen of his recommendation for promotion to the grade of Captain. Signed by Brigadier General Benjamin D. Foulois.
[Memorandum issued by Headquarters Services of Supply, American Expeditionary Forces, March 19, 1918]
Memorandum issued by Headquarters Services of Supply, American Expeditionary Forces, March 19, 1918. Notifies all officers in Tours, France that they will be reported and brought to trial if seen associating with prostitutes and women of questionable character.
[Memorandum issued by Headquarters Third Balloon Squadron (Camp de Souge, France), June 22, 1918]
Memorandum issued by Headquarters Third Balloon Squadron (Camp de Souge, France), June 22, 1918. Assigns guard detail for the following day, with Marc Lagen assigned officer of the day.
[Memorandum issued by Chief of Balloon Section, U.S. Army Signal Corps, January 9, 1918]
Memorandum issued by Chief of Balloon Section, U.S. Army Signal Corps, January 9, 1918. Instructs officers to submit the date of their first ascension to the office in order to establish first date of flying pay.
[Memorandum from First Lieutenant Marc Lagen to Commanding Officer, U.S. Balloon School A.E.F., May 17, 1918]
Handwritten memorandum from First Lieutenant Marc Lagen to Commanding Officer, U.S. Balloon School A.E.F., May 17, 1918. Requests permission to visit Bordeaux, France regarding supplies.
[Memorandum from First Lieutenant Marc Lagen to Lieutenant Colonel John H. [Joncett?], January 24, 1918]
Handwritten memorandum from First Lieutenant Marc Lagen to Lieutenant Colonel John H. [Joncett?], January 24, 1918. Reports Lagen's first ascension.
[Memorandum from Chief Quartermaster to Director of Finance, April 17, 1919]
Memorandum from the Chief Quartermaster, American Expeditionary Forces, to Director of Finance, April 17, 1919. Encloses the proceedings of the claims board regarding Lagen's property loss. Part of a series of documents regarding a claim for personal property that was destroyed in a barracks fire in Souilly, France.
[Memorandum from Comptroller W. W. Warwick, Treasury Department, May 20, 1919]
Memorandum from Comptroller W. W. Warwick, Treasury Department, May 20, 1919. Relays the decision and justification of the War Department Auditor that claimant Major Baker is not entitled to commutation for his losses. Part of a series of documents regarding a claim for personal property that was destroyed in a barracks fire in Souilly, France.