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4 results

[Joseph J. Foss, Earling W. Zaeske, Daniel G. Cunningham, and Frank L. Lawlor oral history interviews]
This recording contains one-on-one interviews with fighter aces Joseph J. Foss, Earling W. Zaeske, Daniel G. Cunningham, and Frank L. Lawlor. The interviewees discuss their wartime experiences as fighter pilots and share details about their naval aviation careers during World War II. Topics discussed include notable combat missions, aerial victories, and stories about fellow pilots. The interviews…
[Robert M. DeHaven oral history interview (Part 5 of 5)]
In this five-part oral history, fighter ace Robert M. DeHaven is interviewed about his military service with the United States Army Air Forces. In part five, DeHaven continues to describe his wartime experiences as a fighter pilot and his time in the South Pacific with the 7th Fighter Squadron of the 49th Fighter Group during World War II. Topics discussed include military life and conditions in…
[Robert M. DeHaven oral history interview (Part 3 of 5)]
In this five-part oral history, fighter ace Robert M. DeHaven is interviewed about his military service with the United States Army Air Forces. In part three, DeHaven continues to describe his wartime experiences as a fighter pilot and his time in the South Pacific with the 7th Fighter Squadron of the 49th Fighter Group during World War II. Topics discussed include military life and conditions in…
[George T. Chandler oral history interview]
Fighter ace George T. Chandler discusses his military service with the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. He describes his experiences as a fighter pilot and his time with the 339th Fighter Squadron of the 347th Fighter Group in the South Pacific. Special focus on a combat mission on November 8, 1943 in which Chandler’s squadron provided air support for a beachhead invasion force…