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38 results

[Lucille Friesen in cockpit of North American AT-6 Texan Family aircraft]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Lucille Friesen in the cockpit of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1943-1944. Inscription on verso: "Lucille Friesen in cockpit of AT-6 [illegible] about half of [illegible] panel that you can see. Not a very good picture of Lucy." Originally part of a set of a photograph album pages containing photographs related to the…
[WASP servicewoman Ruth E. Anderson with fire extinguishers]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Ruth E. Anderson with fire extinguishers, circa 1943-1944. A North American AT-6 Texan aircraft is visible behind her.Inscription on verso: "Ruth Anderson (Seattle girl) with some fire fighting equipment and an AT-6."Stamped on verso: "Willis Studio giant prints are better. If it's worth taking it's worth finishing right. Sweetwater,…
[WASP servicewomen Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call and Ruth at Avenger Field, Texas]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call and Ruth (last name illegible on verso) at Avenger Field, Texas, circa 1943-1944.Inscription on verso: "Ruth [illegible] + I in our dress [illegible]."Originally part of a set of a photograph album pages containing photographs related to the life and WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) career of Mary "Pat"…
[WASP servicewoman Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call and serviceman standing outside building, Avenger Field, Texas]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call and an unidentified serviceman standing outside a building, Avenger Field, Texas, circa 1943-1944.Originally part of a set of a photograph album pages containing photographs related to the life and WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) career of Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call, circa 1930s-1940s. Images that were…
[WASP servicewomen standing outside building, Avenger Field, Texas]
Photographic group portrait of seven WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen standing outside a building, Avenger Field, Texas, circa 1943-1944. Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call is in the center.Originally part of a set of a photograph album pages containing photographs related to the life and WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) career of Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call, circa 1930s-1940s. Images that…
[Graduation ceremony for WASP servicewomen at Avenger Field, Texas]
Photograph of a graduation ceremony for WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen at Avenger Field, Texas, May 28, 1943. Jacqueline Cochran is on the stage on the far right. Several rows of aircraft, including Vultee BT-13 Valiants, Cessna AT-17s, and North American AT-6 Texans, are visible in the background.Inscription on verso: "Jacqueline Cochran on platform awarding wings to…
[Graduation ceremony for WASP servicewomen at Avenger Field, Texas]
Photograph of a graduation ceremony for WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen at Avenger Field, Texas, May 28, 1943. Groups of servicewomen stand in formation in front a Vultee BT-15 Valiant aircraft. Several buildings are visible in the distance, many of which are identified in the verso inscription. Inscription on verso: "Portion of squadrons 'At Ease' during speeches. [illegible]…
[WASP servicewomen carrying American flag during graduation ceremony, Avenger Field, Texas]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen Vivian Cadman, Lillian E. Epsberg, and Dale Dailey carrying an American flag during a graduation ceremony, Avenger Field, Texas, May 28, 1943. Other servicewomen and Vultee BT-15 Valiant aircraft are visible in the background.Inscription on verso: "Vivian Cadman, Lillian Epsberg (with flag), and Dale Dailey. '[illegible] carrying…