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[Servicemen at attention outside hangar]
Photograph of U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen standing at attention outside a hangar, circa 1940s.
[Servicemen at attention outside hangar]
Photograph of U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen standing at attention outside a hangar, circa 1940s.
[Servicemen shaking hands]
Photograph of two U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen, one in flight gear, shaking hands in front of a jeep, circa 1940s.
[Unidentified U.S. Army Air Forces serviceman]
Photograph of an unidentified U.S. Army Air Forces serviceman standing next to an aircraft propeller, circa 1940s.
[James C. Stewart receiving Silver Star]
Photograph of James C. Stewart (right) receiving the Silver Star, circa 1940s.
[Three servicemen with aircraft]
Photograph of three unidentified U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen posing next to an aircraft, circa 1940s. The word "Lucky" is painted on the aircraft's nose.
[Royal Air Force servicemen relaxing with drinks]
Photograph of four Royal Air Force servicemen relaxing with drinks, circa 1940-1945. Leon Swietlikowski is second from the left.
[Leon Swietlikowski with serviceman using radio]
Photograph of Leon Swietlikowski (left) standing next to an unidentified serviceman using a radio, circa 1940s.
[James C. Stewart and Carl A. Spaatz]
Photograph of James C. Stewart (second from left) shaking hands with Carl A. Spaatz, circa 1940s.
[Servicemen loading ammunition belts into aircraft]
Photograph of two U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen loading ammunition belts into an aircraft, circa 1940s. One of the men is tentatively identified in the inscription as "Wakefield."Inscription on verso: "Wakefield (?). 1062."