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[Serviceman receiving decoration from Brigadier General Jesse Auton]
Photograph of an unidentified U.S. Army Air Forces serviceman receiving a decoration from Brigadier General Jesse Auton (left), circa 1940s.Inscription included with photo: "Gen. Jesse Auton? with pilot."
[James C. Stewart at Hyde Park]
Photograph of fighter ace James C. Stewart at Hyde Park, London, England, March 1944. Inscription on verso: "Hyde Parke [Park]. March 1944."
[James C. Stewart and servicewomen on London Bridge]
Photograph of fighter ace James C. Stewart and two unidentified servicewomen on London Bridge, England, May 1944.
[Norman E. Brooks]
Photograph of Norman E. Brooks of the 56th Fighter Group, United States Army Air Forces, circa 1940s.Inscription on verso: "Norman Brooks."
[U.S. Army Air Forces pilot]
Photograph of an unidentified U.S. Army Air Forces pilot, circa 1940s.Stamped on verso: "Passed by US Army Examiner 10082. Passed for personal use only. Not for publication. 23 Aug 1944. Theater Censor ETOUSA."
[James C. Stewart and other servicemen]
Photograph of fighter ace James C. Stewart (in foreground) with other U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen at an unidentified airfield, circa 1940s.
[James C. Stewart receiving Silver Star]
Photograph of fighter ace James C. Stewart (right) receiving the Silver Star, circa 1940s.
[Carol Nicholson and U.S. Army Air Forces serviceman]
Photograph of Carol Nicholson and a U.S. Army Air Forces serviceman, identified as "Mr. Hunt," standing in front of a building, circa 1943-1945.
[U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen]
Photograph of two U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen, circa 1943-1945. The inscription identifies the men as Flight Commander Rudolph (left) and Captain Zavity (right).
[U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen relaxing outside building]
Photograph of three U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen relaxing outside a building, circa 1943-1945.Inscription in margin: "[Haup?]."Inscription on verso: "This is [illegible] sitting talking to Mr. Hall."