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[Mountain range]
Photograph of a distant mountain range taken from Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947. Inscription on verso: "Scene looking northwest towards mountain range. Taken from 158th Liaison operations building, after heavy rain. March 1947."
[Mountain range]
Photograph of a distant mountain range taken from Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947.Inscription on verso: "Scene looking north towards mountain range. Taken from 158th Liaison operations bldg. after heavy rain. March 1947."
[North American AT-6 Texan]
Photograph of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft parked at Komaki Air Base in Nagoya, Japan, April 1947. The plane bears United States Army Air Forces markings.Inscription on verso: "AT-6 in late evening with sun reflecting from other side of Komaki Airdrome. Nagoya, Japan. April 1947."
[Military truck at Tachikawa Army Air Base]
Photograph of a military truck parked in front of the headquarters building at Tachikawa Army Air Base, Japan, circa 1945-1952.Inscription: "Headquarters building at Tachikawa Army Air Base, just west of Tokyo a few miles. Truck is field bus. April 1947."
[Entrance to Camp McNair]
Photograph of the entrance gate to Camp McNair with Mount Fuji in the distance, Japan, April 1947.Inscription on verso: "The landing field a [at] Fuji Strip. Now known as Camp McNair in honor of the 1st Calvary. Fuji shows herself again. Nagoya, Japan. April 47."
[Operations building at Itami Air Base]
Photograph of the base operations building at Itami Army Air Base, Japan, circa 1947.Inscription: "Itami base operations. Itami Army Air Base. Just a few miles north of Osaka. Komaki. Nagoya, Japan. 1947."
[Stinson L-5 aircraft]
Photograph of a Stinson L-5 Sentinel aircraft (tail number 417868) at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947. The plane bears United States Army Air Forces markings.Inscription on verso: "Cpl. Levy warming up L-5 on a cold morning on Japan. Komaki. March 1947."
[American flag at Komaki Air Base]
Photograph of an American flag on a flagpole at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947.Inscription on verso: "Old Glory' waving proudly in the stiff north wind on a cold day in Japan. Komaki Hdq. March 1947. (158th Liaison Sqdn operations in distance to right of picture.)"
[Control tower on hangar]
Photograph of a control tower on top of a concrete hangar at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947. A fire truck is parked inside the hangar.Inscription on verso: "Komaki Base control tower atop hangar revetment – Komaki, Japan. Fire truck underneath. March 1947."
[Komaki Air Base]
Photograph of buildings at Komaki Air Base, Nagoya, Japan, March 1947.Inscription on verso: "Exceptionally beautiful cloud profile taken looking south, with sun behind clouds overhead. Komaki Airdrome. March 1947."