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91 results

[158th Liaison Squadron operations building]
Photograph of the 158th Liaison Squadron's operations building at Komaki Air Base, Japan, January 30, 1947. Typed caption on verso: "158th Liaison Sqdn operations bldg at Kamaki [Komaki] Air Field, Nagoya, Japan. It is also used to house some 12 men at present at the Sqdn in 'A' Flight stationed here. 30 January 1947."
[Yamato Building]
Photograph of the Yamato Building, headquarters of the Fifth Air Force, in Nagoya, Japan, February 4, 1947.Typed caption on verso: "The upper part of the Yamato Bldg. taken from the parking lot for all vehicles. Building has 8 floors, counting the roof. 5th Air Force Hdq. is in this bldg. 4 Feb 1947."
[Enlisted men's club]
Photograph of military personnel outside the Fifth Air Force's enlisted men's club in Nagoya, Japan, February 4, 1947. Typed caption on verso: "Enlisted men's club in Nagoya, Japan. Club is directly across the street from the troop billet (hospital bldg). 4 Feb 1947."
[5th Air Force Post Exchange building]
Photograph of the Fifth Air Force's Post Exchange (PX) building in Nagoya, Japan, February 4, 1947Typed caption on verso: "Entrance to the 5th Air Force Post Exchange Building in Nagoya, Japan. 4 Feb 1947."
[Lloyd R. Lyckman flying Stinson L-5 Sentinel]
Photograph of Lloyd R. Lyckman flying a Stinson L-5 Sentinel aircraft in Nagoya, Japan, circa 1947.Inscription on verso: "Your 'Butch' on mission over Japan with Captain Metger taking the picture. Nagoya, Japan. 1947."
[Komaki Air Base]
Photograph of Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947. The inscription identifies various buildings, including an outhouse, a theater, and sleeping quarters. Inscription on verso: "View looking east towards Komaki Airdrome headquarters. (Flag pole and 'Old Glory' on left side of picture denotes location of headquarters). Small building in foreground is out-house privy used by soldiers. 3 large bldgs in…
[Neuman, Kearney, and Ralph G. Strange]
Photograph of Colonel Neuman (right), Kearney (center), and Master Sergeant Ralph G. Strange (left) at Camp McNair, Japan, April 1947. A Stinson L-5 Sentinel aircraft is visible behind them.Inscription on verso: "Hold picture up to light and look thru the marked 'x.' They indicate the who's who. Col. Neuman, 5th Air Force Supply Officer. Civilian Kearney, Supply Superviser [Supervisor]. M/Sgt…
[Burroughs in cockpit of North American AT-6 Texan]
Photograph of First Lieutenant Burroughs in the cockpit of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft at a Komaki Air Base, Japan, April 1947.Inscription on verso: "1st Lt. Burroughs, former Flight C.O. of the 158th Liaison Squadron. He also got transferred to the flight section at Komaki. Nagoya, Japan. April 1947."
[Lloyd Lyckman and crew]
Photograph of members of the 158th Liaison Squadron, United States Army Air Forces, at Komaki Air Base, Japan, January 30, 1947. Lloyd R. Lyckman is on the right.Typed caption on verso: "The 'crew' of the 158th Liaison Sqdn at 'A' Flight of the Kamaki [Komaki] Air Field. Yours truly on the right of the picture. (As if you couldn't tell). 30 January 1947."
[Lloyd R. Lyckman with bow and arrow]
Photograph of Lloyd R. Lyckman practicing with a bow and arrow at Komaki Air Base, Japan, January 30, 1947.Typed caption on verso: "Yours truly with his bow and arrow at Kamaki [Komaki] Air Field, Nagoya, Japan. 30 January 1947."