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36 results

Bruce Mennella oral history interview
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with Bruce Mennella and interviewer John Barth, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, January 28, 2020.
[Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair) Seattle, Washington, 1962]
Film footage of the Century 21 Exposition, also known as the Seattle World's Fair, Seattle, Washington, 1962. The footage features shots of crowds, rides, and exhibits at the Seattle Center. Specific landmarks seen in the footage include the International Fountain, the Science Pavilion, the Center House, the monorail, and the Space Needle. The last segment, beginning at 00:03:10, depicts…
My Rosie the Riveter Story [by Joyce Helen Parker]
Autobiographical narrative written by Joyce Helen Parker describing her experiences as a "Rosie the Riveter" during World War II, circa 2005. Four handwritten pages in spiral-bound notebook and two typed pages.
[Landscapes and Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair), 1962]
Film footage of landscapes and the Century 21 Exposition, also known as the Seattle World's Fair, Seattle, Washington, 1962. The first segment consists of panning shots of landscapes in unidentified locations. This includes a cultivated garden, a dam facility, a river valley, and rock formations. A few brief scenes of people in a rowboat are also shown. The next segment, which begins at 00:04:35,…
Henry “Sandy” McMurray oral history interview
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with Henry "Sandy" McMurray and interviewer Steve Little, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, February 27, 2020.
[Joyce Helen Parker and dog outside her home]
Photograph of Joyce Helen Parker and a dog outside her home in Tacoma, Washington, circa 1940s. Inscription: "Joy." Inscription on verso: "Joyce."
[Joyce Helen Parker outside her home]
Photograph of Joyce Helen Parker outside her home in Tacoma, Washington, circa 1940s Inscription on verso: "Joyce."
Paul Weaver oral history interview (Part 2 of 2)
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with Paul L. Weaver and interviewer Steve Little, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, May 24, 2019. Part 2 of 2.
Thomas W. Olsson oral history interview
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with Thomas W. "Tom" Olsson and interviewer Bruce Florsheim, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, October 24, 2018.
Barry Latter oral history interview
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with Barry Latter and interviewer Dan Hagedorn, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, October 28, 2015.