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9 results

[Clyde Pangborn and others with Boeing Model 247 aircraft]
Photograph of a group of aviators, including Reeder Nichols (first on right), Clyde Pangborn (second from right), and Roscoe Turner (third from right), with a Boeing Model 247 aircraft, circa 1930s. Photograph includes signatures for each of the nine men.
[Aerial views and social gathering of Boeing family associates, circa August 1933 (Part 2 of 2)]
Film footage of aerial views and a social gathering of Boeing family associates, circa August 1933. The footage appears to be a continuation of the same social gathering in Part 1, featuring the same people and locales. Scenes consist of aerial views filmed from an unidentified aircraft and shots of people participating in recreational activities and relaxing outside. William E. Boeing appears…
[Clyde Pangborn and man with Boeing 247]
Photograph of Clyde Pangborn (left) and an unidentified man standing next to a Boeing 247 aircraft (fuselage number 57) at Boeing Field, Seattle, Washington, circa 1934. Pangborn and Roscoe Turner flew this aircraft during the 1934 MacRobertson International Air Race.
[Roscoe Turner, Opal Pangborn, and Clyde Pangborn]
Photograph of (from left to right) Roscoe Turner, Opal Pangborn, and Clyde Pangborn standing in front of a Boeing 247 aircraft at Boeing Field in Seattle, Washington, September 1934.Inscription on verso: "Clyde E. Pangborn, Mrs. Opal Pangborn, Roscoe Turner. London, England race to Melbourne, Australia. 2nd winners. Boeing Transport Plane. Della M. Wright, Sept. 1934. Boeing Field."
[Scenes in and around Guling, China, circa 1930s]
Film footage of scenes in and around Guling, China, circa 1930s. The footage is comprised of short clips filmed during pilot Julius A. Barr's time in China. Scenes include a sign reading "No washing on the road permitted," panning shots of buildings and surrounding hills, and people with Barr's Boeing 247D aircraft. An unidentified man wearing glasses appears in several scenes The footage is in…
[Scenes in China, circa 1930s]
Film footage of scenes in China, circa 1930s. The footage is comprised of short clips filmed during pilot Julius A. Barr's time in China. Specific locations in the footage are unidentified. Scenes include city streets, cargo being unloaded from Barr's Boeing 247D aircraft, people using a pedal-powered water pump, children playing outside, and people congregating outside a gate. The footage is in…
[Aviation activities, aerial views, and other scenes in China, circa 1930s]
Film footage of aviation activities, aerial views, and other scenes in China, circa 1930s. The footage is comprised of short clips filmed during pilot Julius A. Barr's time in China. Scenes include Chinese soldiers marching, Barr's Boeing 247D aircraft on the ground and in flight, a wounded man disembarking from the 247D, cargo being unloaded from the 247D, a Junkers Ju 52/3m aircraft taking off,…
[Crated Boeing 247D aircraft and scenes at house, Shanghai, China, circa 1930s]
Film footage of a crated Boeing 247D and scenes of the Barr family at a house, Shanghai, China, circa 1930s. The footage begins with a crated 247D aircraft being unloaded from a barge. Text written on the crate indicates that the aircraft was shipped from the Boeing Aircraft Company in Seattle, Washington, to Julius A. Barr in Shanghai, China. After unloading, the fuselage section is shown being…