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6 results

[Eddie Hubbard and William E. Boeing with Boeing Model 5]
Photograph of Eddie Hubbard (standing on dock) and William E. Boeing (on wing) with a Boeing Model 5 (C-650-700) seaplane, Lake Union, Washington, circa 1919.Embossed on front: "Photos by Pierson & Co."
[Eddie Hubbard standing in front of Boeing Model 5 seaplane]
Photograph of Eddie Hubbard in flight standing in front of a Boeing Model 5 (C-650-700) seaplane, Lake Union, Washington, circa 1919.
[Boeing Model 5 (C-650-700) seaplane, piloted by William E. Boeing and Eddie Hubbard, taxiing across Lake Union]
Photograph of a Boeing Model 5 (C-650-700) seaplane, piloted by William E. Boeing and Eddie Hubbard, taxiing across Lake Union, Seattle, Washington, August 6, 1918.Inscription: "8/6/18."Embossed on front: "Photos by Pierson & Co."
[William E. Boeing and Eddie Hubbard with Boeing Model 5 seaplane]
Photograph of William E. Boeing (standing on float) and Eddie Hubbard (back to camera) with a Boeing Model 5 (C-650-700) seaplane, Lake Union, Washington, August 6, 1918. An unidentified man talks with Boeing.Embossed on front: "Photos by Pierson & Co."
[William E. Boeing and Eddie Hubbard seated in cockpits of Boeing Model 5 seaplane]
Photograph of William E. Boeing and Eddie Hubbard seated in the cockpits of a Boeing Model 5 (C-650-700) seaplane, Lake Union, Washington, circa 1919.Embossed on front: "Photos by Pierson & Co."
Robert Scarff oral history interview
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with Robert W. Scarff and interviewer Jim Stott, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, June 27, 2017.